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Following our partnership announcement with IAMM protocol, a Nervos community member offers a deep dive into what makes Nervos a good platform for NFTs.


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The Beauty of Randomness

Finding Meaning in the Chaos of Life

I have a small mole smack dab in the middle of my right cheek. I never notice it since it’s always there, but I realize people recognize me for it, and it’s a great deterrent from committing a crime since any eyewitness can say, “he had a mole on his cheek.”

I was shaving the other day, and for the first time, it did occur to me, “What are the odds this mole would develop right at that exact spot on my face?”

One of my favorite memes is the “domino effect” meme, where a guy crouches beside a stack of giant dominos. The joke is always about how some innocuous event leads to a catastrophic event.

Like any great joke, there’s always truth to it, and it shows that randomness is an essential aspect of life that can sometimes be perceived as negative or chaotic. However, it’s also a source of beauty, creativity, and serendipity.

Randomness can be a powerful tool for creativity and innovation. Many famous artists have used randomness to break free from traditional patterns and spark new ideas. Jackson Pollock’s drip paintings were created by randomly pouring paint onto the canvas. Similarly, Brian Eno used random techniques to create ambient music, such as using dice to determine which notes to play.

Randomness can help us break out of our usual patterns and discover new possibilities.

Sometimes, unexpected events can lead to massively positive outcomes. We open ourselves to new opportunities and experiences when we embrace the unexpected. Meeting someone by chance can lead to a new friendship or business partnership.

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