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Creating A Hub For Innovative Thinking With CEO Akshay Bansal

1. Can you tell us about your journey to becoming CEO?
Thank you for having me, my journey starts when I concluded my research that world will going to need intellectual empowerment platform in the near future of automation, but no company is doing that, so I took charge of the vision and became the CEO of my own founded company, whose sole vision is to nurture and grow the intellect and creativity of the users.

2. What is your definition of success?
My success belongs to the success of my users, if I make my users feeling more intellectual and creative with my application then it will be a very satisfactory moment for me I consider it a success.

3. Can you share the funniest or most interesting story that happened to you since you began leading your company?
Tinker vs. Tinder: I have many interesting stories from my journey, but I like to share an interesting one happened when I was in ideation phase, I choose my brand name ‘Tinker’ and registered it as trademark in India, but soon after Tinker got published in government trademark journal, I got the legal notice from the company ‘Tinder’, it was very restless situation back then because I loved the name and it was resonating with my vision of creativity, but I choose not to pursue with ‘Tinker’ and chose to serve my higher vision instead and read the whole dictionary and choose the name Heuro, which is derived from the word ‘Heuristic’ means self learn and I got the better name.

4. What failures have you had along the way? How have they led you to success?
My journey as a CEO has taught me that we don’t face any failure, we face the situations, either you give-up in dealing with the situation or creatively turn it in to the opportunity, I had many failures along the way like legal, development, people etc for which I put my energy and a bit cost on them which resulted in to a positive outcome. For example due to location I misguided by the professionals for legal, taxation etc, or in development I
had to remake my website again which costs me but gave me many lessons when I reflect upon these situations. Whenever you face any difficult or failure situation, always make mindset that it’s a situation if not an opportunity and outcome depends solely on you.

5. What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?
It’s an interesting question and my answer to it is my near impossible vision to achieve, we at Heuro don’t depend on the trendy technologies or models but only on our vision and serving to that vision with growth and stability no matter what is happening in the world is what makes us unique. Everyone is trying to make their machine smarter with the help of people but we are trying to make humans smarter with the help of machine.

6. Are you working on any new or exciting projects now?
We entrepreneurs always tinker around with new ideas to make the society forward, but right now I am in to making heuro more successful but also working on my model of event operating system as a side project. And as a researcher I passively research on my decentralized self sustained model of society.

7. Is your company working to be more sustainable? If so, how?
As our model is exponential organizational mathematical global model, we just need efforts to take it to the top of the mountain and with snowball effect it will be automated by itself with core and necessary elements like people, technologies in place.

8. What advice would you give to other CEOs or founders to help their employees to thrive?
I think every CEO, must focus on their employees because they are the people who help you to build your dream. It’s our duty to help them succeed as well, the basic of which is to identify their strengths, interest and with education and an healthy work environment fit them correctly in your company for their long-term goals, as well as create a curiosity based learning culture in your organization.

9. None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
I think to every person’s success there is the philosophy behind, which takes shape from the situations and people around him, even if you are not surrounded by the legendary people then you can still use their books, speeches and interviews. I shaped my philosophy with the help of leaders like Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Elon Musk etc from their biographies as these leaders inspire me to solve the biggest problems of the society you feel for! I think reading books is like living the thousand lives which gives you a true meaning of life, which is to utilize it for the better for everyone and I realize after read, listen and watching about many leaders and found my own philosophy and purpose of life.

10. How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?
My success belong to the success of my users and if they become more informed, intellectual and creative from my intellectual ecosystem Heuro and bring the better ideas to the society then it’s my success and ultimately my work will thrive the world into better. We highly focus on the research and development using many diverse dimensions of science and technology and converge them to serve our vision and reinvest the cash flow to make our intellectual ecosystem better.

11. What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me before I Became CEO” and why?
From my own experience I think that these five things I wish I needed to know before becoming the CEO.
1) You are the most responsible person in the company: Being a CEO means you know every micro activity of your organization, I experience it when European Policy changed for GDPR, we asked our lawyer to modify our privacy policy accordingly, she did that but I didn’t deeply study the GDPR and checked her work normally but then some days later, I ask other lawyer to check it again and he told me that your policy is missing few points and I realized that as a CEO, you must know about every activity in your organization and not solely depend on your team, from now on I try to learn as much s I can about the direct as well as indirect activities.
2) Business relations vs. Poor outcome: Making business relations helps you to save time and energy but don’t let the relations to exploits you, , for example, one of our vendors quoted us well but after working with them, they made us compromise on many times and we compromised for the sake of relations but in the end when they were stretching us, we state our position and was about to walk away and then were able to balance the equation, I advise you to focus on relation but keep the business alive, maybe another
person doesn’t want to make relation but to exploit you, you have to state your position and have the mindset of walk away with those vendors anytime.

3) Explore your vendors globally not locally: we learned it a bit later, to meet our deadline we choose few
wrong vendors, who gave us stress, low quality work and wasted our time and resources,
As we are living in the globalised world, days wasted in researching might save your time, energy and stress in the long run, always do networking and explore as many vendors as you can, there might be high quality and cost effective vendors on the other side of the world, I advice you all to research aggressively first before investing your time and resources to any vendor.

4) Focus on quality of work not the quantity of work: Being a CEO feels like to work on as many ideas as you can but in the end the quality is what matters the most for example in the beginning I tried out as many ideas as I could with proper planning but then I start noticing the quality of my work for the most important tasks were declining, due to which I lean the quantity of my work and start focus on the quality of the most important tasks.

5) Short term goals are as important as your vision: It has to be a balance between long term vision and short term objectives and key results, it’s important to have short term objectives, you just can’t serve your higher purpose randomly, when I started this company to serve my higher purpose, I planned the macro things but what was lacking is the micro planning and tracking results to gives the right direction in serving our vision, so after feel like things get little chaotic, I chose to implement the OKR(objective and key result) system to optimize our energy ad focus and it serves us very well.

12. You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amounts of good to the most amounts of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.
Moment of Choice. When you will be the CEO, you will deal with many crucial moments which will define you and your organization in the long run, these moments will give you two choices, right or easy, if you will thoughtfully choose the right, your work will be remarkable in the long run,
I got this philosophy while dealing with many situations in serve my ultimate vision, there were the easy decisions and the right decisions and I learned to choose the right because of my passion towards my vision of making the human race intellectual and creative. Choose the vision you are emotionally passionate about and then take the decisions that will help you in the long run.

13. Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
At the risk of adding to the overuse of an Einstein quote, when required, I remind myself of “No problem can be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it.” This means I may have to change my thinking on a problem or ask someone else to step in. The latter is quite a bit more humbling. I like to create the motivational and well thought out quotes for myself for every aspect of my life, they are:
1) For my innovation mindset: ‘Don’t compromise, innovate with what you have, you either compromise or innovate!’ it make me feel more creative and empower me to think of my resources has exponential value.
2) For adverse situations: ‘Failure is a roadblock, not the destiny; have the guts to always thrive through It.’, it helps me to see the failure as an opportunity and create the positive outcome out of it!
3) Ideas: ‘More the ideas you absorb, more the ideas you reflect.’ it makes me learn and observe as many diverse ideas as I can.
4) I also like a quote from the legend ‘Mahatma Gandhi’, ‘Live as you were to die tomorrow, learn as you were to live forever.’ it empowers me to live with courage and learn with passion.

14. Some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this.
I would love to have a lunch with Mr. Masayoshi Son, to explain my vision of self- sustained decentralized model of society, so that he can help me to create distributed wealth and prosperity in the resources abundant world.

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